Friday, March 9, 2012


I would say I'm mad, but I'm just disappointed. I expect this out of the privileged upper middle-class, but my people? I see your post and tweets on this "Stop Kony 2012" movement. I can't help but giggle. Not giggle because I don't care nor because I think it's funny what's happening in Uganda. This giggle is brought on by the fact that social media can make us so smart and intelligent that we become ignorant to the facts.

Straight to the point, the movement is sparked by a well produced Youtube video of a humanitarian with media skills. His passion is well placed, but this is sensationalism at its finest. He is, again, a humanitarian; he has lived his life making journeys to Uganda to change the world. I cannot fault him for his beliefs nor his actions in making the video to spark this movement. I'm aiming at the people who have jumped in this movement as if they have discovered some new light. Yes, those that are not humanitarians by nature.

Papa Joe Kony
That video moved you to action? Hotel Rwanda? Blood Diamond? Tears of the Sun? These movies, just to name a few, touched on the topic of the rebellious climate on the Continent of Africa. I guess because they were movies the issue couldn't be real. There are some of us that grew up knowing about this culture. We've heard people say it's the nature of the Black man to be a savage using those images as examples to support their ideas. Stories have been passed down about how tribes were sold out by rival tribes to slave traffickers. I'm not going into all the detail because you've known this. Now you should be disappointed in yourself; you let this humanitarian, who has been traveling to Uganda for years and, now in 2012, is sparking an interest, tell you that you need to do your part. Ask yourself this, did Papa Joe Kony just rise to his status or has he been there?

Now that you're done answering, make your decision on whether you will participate in someone's New Year Resolution that just made the scene in March. I'm applaud this fellow's heart, and I support you in your plan to aid him. I just want to know, what's next?

Before you travel to the ends of the earth to save someone, please don't forget about the ones that are dying next door to you.

Finally, I am not saying this is not a worthy cause. But damn, Kony's been in power since around 1988. Some of you were barely walking then. So why now? Never mind, I'm an asshole.

P.S. Old dude on the video was talking about how bad the world was to him. Um yeah, he's made several trips to Uganda in his lifetime plus spent time in D.C. I know folks that have never left Mississippi long enough to say they were on a vacation. But yeah he had a terrible life.

P.P.S. Of course the government is not going to do anything about it.