Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pardon Me

These days, the flavor of the day is to bash the president for his efforts to the communities throughout the country. Be it universal healthcare or education reform, people are in an uproar about the decisions being made. My question is why?

I'm not a political person for several reasons, and this is one of the reasons. People have such strong beliefs that they are blind to true solutions. Deep down in every person is a conservative mind set that is resistant to any form of change. So what is really the problem?

I can't name the laundry list of insults and blame that has been thrown in the direction of the President (and I say President instead of government because he's getting most of the blame). I can say that his policies have been referred to as Nazi and socialist, words used to strike fear in American people for both are evil. The policies are intended to take care of the less fortunate citizens in this the richest country on the face of the planet (socialist). These people are selfish, point blank.

Let me run down American history. These imperialistic mutherfuckers were not talking that shit when Manifest Destiny was the goal of the country. Take all the land in order to get to the Pacific, no matter the cost. On our way there, well make the natives of this land move to reserved land in the middle of nowhere far away from their home. If some die along the way (because we're forcing them out), fuck them because they're not important anyway.

Let's not dwell on slavery, it tends to make people racist, and it brought about the word n*gga. In the aftermath of slavery, the set up for the Black struggle began. We'll make these "people" citizens but won't enforce the Constitution to see that they get equal treatment for nearly 100 years. Fuck them. Those N*ggers should be happy that they are not slaves anymore. In the meantime, we'll keep them in their own neighborhoods and deprive them of funding to ensure that they will never have the standard of living that we enjoy. No need to continue with the plight of the Black race, you know the story.

Not only do we piss on American people, everyone else can get it too. If you have something that is of interest to the American government, and your country is in turmoil, don't worry we'll fix it for you. We'll also put someone in power (our military) until we have all that we need or desire. Once we're done abusing you, your country can go back to destroying itself. Oh yea we'll leave you with some of our toys to defeat your enemies even though you're so poor you can't help but sell out to the enemy for a better way of life. Then we'll be back years later to destroy your country some more to rid you of "our" enemies.

We are a nation of peace keepers and humanitarians. We rush to the aid of tsunami, earthquake, and war torn areas. We get there faster than anyone; we lead the way. As for our own, it depends. If you represent all that is American, we're there at the drop of a hat. We're not so quick on the draw for those that are a little less than the American image.

Don't believe me? What if those planes missed the towers and caught Bed-Stuy, the Bronx, Brooklyn, or Harlem? How fast would the response have been? Don't know? See areas hit by Hurricane Katrina. Fuck you working class people. It wasn't about race, it was and always is about that C.R.E.A.M. (if you didn't know Cash Rules Everything Around Me). The towers fell in 2001. Ike landed in 2004 so did the tsunami. Katrina struck in 2005. You mean to tell me that the federal response system fell off that fast? Get the fuck out of here.

Today, there is a system in place to address those that do not have and not only those that have. Thinking that people that work check to check can finally consider healthcare or a better education for their children is not so bad right? Coming up with alternative solutions to create jobs because the traditional solutions are not working wouldn't be so bad. You would think. Not from these people that are opposing these days. In fact, it is the most evil idea in comparison to the event mentioned earlier.
No need for me to dwell anymore; I'll only get more angry. Besides in the next week or so someone will spit their negative feelings about the president (2 years ago it was all the branches of government, 2 of which haven't changed). Before they do I want to say, in the words of Eddie Murphy, FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU TOO!

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