Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bobby the Bible Basher: Same Sex Slander

Dear Holier-Than-Thou "Person of God",

So same sex marriage is on your agenda this time. I find your actions interesting. You tend to go after the trendy opponents. This fact really disgusts me. Let's see you have been anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights, pro-slavery, pro-rebellion... Shall I go on?

Allow me to random as I have no organized points but much beef in my heart with you Bible toting bastards that feel you have been ordained to banish both individuals and groups to hell by the Almighty Himself. You are the scum of the Earth.

Same Sex Debate

Never mind the fact that the government owes you no favors. Although you may assume that many of the United States lawmakers are on your side, when in fact they are free of any religious obligations when making decisions for the better of a country of some 300 million people (about 228 million of which are recognized as Christian believers fuck the other 72 million though). Anyway let's get on this same sex marriage issue.

Your #1 concern is that it is an abomination to God. Well news flash, you are an abomination to God. Since Adam and Eve, human kind has been destined to sin all while longing for the love of God. Many seek him, but only a few will be chosen. So let's do the math, Christianity is the world's top religion. Sounds like you're winning, but based on the Word that you live by over half of you are destined for hell no matter how you slice it. Last time I checked, few and minority went hand and hand. Strike one.

Leviticus...Your weapon of mass discussion. I love how you all Cuban B the fuck out of Chapter 18 verse 8 where it mentions "other wives". But isn't polygamy frowned upon? Not in this context. Chapter 20 starts by saying that no one outside of the tribe of Israel is allowed to practice these laws. Fuck, that discounts everything else because so few of you are descendants of  the tribe. Oh yea and intermingling with other tribes was a sin as well. I guess all you half-breeds are out as well. I shouldn't have to go on but what the hell.

It is so comical how you choose your battles over these abominations though. Check out a few that you disregard for the most part:
  • evil thoughts (what no man knows cannot be judged)
  • cross dressing (I find it funny how many church goers co-sign Tyler Perry, but don't know about this one)
  • charging interest on a loan (shout out to Sallie Mae)
  • lying
That's enough for now, I'll be back to discuss your main man, Paul; the man that taught that the laws of Moses and the Old Testament were pretty much null and voided by the birth of Jesus. Remember, no one outside of the tribe of Israel had a right to the Kingdom before then. Hey that's your book; you should read it someday. By the way, shouldn't you be trying to convert people to Jesus through love? That's what I was taught. I'm just a nigga that reads; I don't know shit.

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