Thursday, May 2, 2013

Good for You, Jason Colllins

The big story for the past few days has been the revelation of Jason Collins' true sexuality. Collins being the first active male professional athlete to profess being a homosexual sent ripples through sports media, workplace chatter, local and national news, and more down to blogs, podcast, and social media sites. Political and religious views have been spit from the minds of both credible and bogus individuals via keyboards in the hours following the breaking new. Me? I saw the text alert on my phone and said, "Good for him." I knew there would be some sort of backlash, but I didn't expect it to come as fast and as reckless.

Jason is a Hero

For those that say he's no hero, who are you to say this? If one person is inspired by his actions, then to that one person he is a hero. He may not be your hero, but who are you to challenge someone's inspirational figure? Jason revealing his secret to the world is at the very least a huge step considering the very backlash that occurred. I'm sure that in any discussion of this issue that it doesn't take long before the center of discussion is homosexuality rather than Jason Collins. This very post will steer from Mr. Collins soon. So I applaud Jason for his actions. Maybe, the confessions of an NBA reserve veteran will soften the blow for a more notable figure making the same announcement.

Who Is Jason Collins?

True. Jason is a reserve player who contributes little to his team. True. He averages far below a double-double a game. True. He is nearly 7 feet tall and twin. It matters not that he's not an all-star nor that he is a MVP in the making. What matters is that there's a chance that next season Jason will suit up for an NBA team making him the first known gay male athlete in professional sports. This a world where masculinity is supposedly the key to being successful. Consider this, there are a few hyper masculine men that will never sniff an NBA court while Jason is collecting minimal minutes. Who's the man?

Religious Views

Now for you religious righteous folks, mainly "Christians". Go back to you Bible because you have no right to condemn the actions of anyone. You are to act as tools for your God to show man the path to follow. Beyond that, you are to "shake the dust from your feet" when you are not accepted. At the same time, your house is too screwed up to be chastising anyone. Seventy years ago, your fellow "Christians" used your same book of instructions to restrict the rights of Blacks and women. "Their bad." Well if they eventually looked at as being unreasonable, don't you think the same will be said of you? I can never understand how a group once oppressed can use the very same tool that was used to keep them in oppression to then oppress another group.

What's This World Coming To?

For those that feel that giving any credence to homosexuality in America is somehow threatening the moral fiber of the country, I question how foolish you can be. You "Christians" profess to be under attack from the pressures of the "world" to the teachings our your God. Last time I checked, Christianity was the the most practiced religion in the world. Where is all this pressure coming from?

Any way, you're entitled to your opinions even if they are dumb. Continue to feel as if you otherwise safe heterosexual way of living is under attack.


For some of people, it is far worse for their son to come home and announce he's homosexual than for him to announce that he has fathered a child with a woman in which he has no desire. Also, some of you think that you are so desirable that accepting homosexual culture will lead to you being hit on by a gay individual. You should be so lucky. No one wants your shady ass.

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