Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bobby the Bible Basher: Your Word is Unchanging

First off, I detest people who make this argument. Secondly, it's double if you are a woman making this argument. It's so funny to me that certain instructions in the Bible are set in stone, while other's can be disregarded due to the change in times. I refuse to hear the discussion that none of the biblical teachings have been modified to be more modern.So here we go...

Unchanging Word

Madam, since the word is so unchanging, I need you to get back to the crib and go to work for your husband. How dare you be out here on social media; you don't have time for leisure. Not married, I need for you to make sure you're getting those wifely skills up to par so that you can satisfy those duties when the day comes. See: Proverbs 31: 10 - 31 (I'm sure you've read that though.)

If the Word is so unchanging, why is it that only certain books were selected for the Bible when there are numerous passages that were written during biblical times, and what are biblical times? Did God stop speaking to the souls of men after some point? Oh yes, God is all knowing. Where is his instructions on Internet infidelity or any other new age issue? He knew it was coming as well as the fact that only a small percentage of his instruction would be included in the book that would serve as the basis for a religion that is the one TRUE way to heaven. I need to know if eating ass is godly or not.

The Cuban B

So at some time we determined that it was cool that women should have a right too. I'm all for that; I'm not sure the Bible agrees since it has very little support for the female gender doing anything other being supporters. Saying that, can't the same be said for homosexuality? What about mental health? I saw a child the other day that was born with what would be termed as a mental disorder. I'm sure the Bible would classify that as being possessed by demons. Where's Jesus or his disciples to rebuke the demons? As I read more, priest were groomed for life to be religious leaders. Today, anyone can live a life of debauchery then have an epiphany, or be called, same difference. I guess experience is the best teacher. Get the fuck out of here.

Elderly Advice

She mentioned seeking the advice of the elderly and parents. Let's just say, religious or not, it's always better to take advice from someone who realized they fucked up or even someone who succeeded. If your parents are a bunch of habitual screw ups, I don't think it's wise to listen to them. Your parents aren't the gold standard on all advice just because they raised you. My parents could never advise me on what it took to matriculate through college since neither of them did; they could tell me the struggle of life without a college degree or education when holding a family together. I've told you jerks that just because someone is your elder doesn't make them a good source of motivation. We all grew up with some dumb asses; one day they will be old. Will you allow them to mentor your children? I mean they will be elders right?

What I need you to do Ms. Baker - Davis is take the hyphen out of your name; quit whatever career you're pursuing; and get your ass back in the house so you can be the "Good Wife" like God intended you to be.

Bobby has spoken.

P.S. Mr. Hooker, you're a bitch nigga.

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