Saturday, November 2, 2013

On-purpose Racist

Dear Black People,

While it is not my intention to address all of my people, there are those among us that feel that we have some sort of responsibility in the racial mistreatment and social injustice towards us and concepts that are deemed "Black culture", a concept in which can be used to fuel social injustice in its own manner. They believe that we can somehow correct ourselves, adopt the oppressive tools that are used against us, or simply ignore actions whether clear or not that can be viewed as racially motivated. To all of which I say, Black people cannot end racism and social prejudice brought against them. Any opposing notion is ludicrous. 

There is no shortage of people who are willing to address the behaviors of some Blacks as holding up the advancement of an entire group of people. Be it absent fathers, clubbing mothers, belt-less kids, or many other popular topics, the few that violate some perceived social norm are considered the key contributors to the reason that I may I unexpectedly be called a filthy no good nigger just because I decided to go to work and do my job. No one considers that some absent fathers are better off staying absent, nor is it considered that although at a lower level absent fathers in other races are not viewed as a crutch by everyone else. This can apply to any issue that's "crippling" the advancement of the Black race.

I understand that there are some issues that exist more among Blacks, but none warrant bigotry and racial discrimination of someone.It has long been accepted to portray all Blacks in a negative light because of some real or unreal interaction with someone else. There's nothing that Blacks can change to correct this slanted view.

The tools that assist the oppressive nature of racism are just that; tools. How foolish it is for us to think that we can walk into the country club of racism dressed and speaking like "the man" and end all this. The fuel to this disgusting, hate-filled lifestyle is all in the mind; the word nigger, the Confederate flag, the Cotton logo, religion (specifically Christianity), and others are all just instruments used to drive the point home. We can take these functions into our life, but it doesn't stop or even reduce the hate. I can say nigga a million times in a day, but it's never as powerful as the time it's said just before being spat on by an angry mob just because your Black nigger ass wants to attend their school.

We have been granted much access to the society that once considered us property, but we will never be able to access the mind state that made that consideration a social norm. For that matter, it's not even our responsibility to expect that access. You think you're going to walk, talk, and rub elbows with these oppressive fuckers? You may become the "Cool Black Person" eventually, but the hate will not die. You best not show uninvited to the church or even wilder, marry yourself into the family. No, try that and see where you stand then, nigga.

"Black people should just get over slavery/racism" is said so much that I guess some people actually believe that doing so will improve race relations in America. I wonder how the fuck am I supposed to do that when the effects of thus said slavery/racism is all around. In the South, for example, you can see the results of segregation in the neighborhoods. It far less likely to see a white resident living in a rundown home in the midst of a predominately Black neighborhood than to find a Black resident moving into an aged yet restored home in the midst of a predominately white neighborhood. The "white" side of town as it's called is just about every southern town and city. If your town doesn't have a "white' side, it's probably because your town is the Black town that all the whites left for greener pastures. Even more functions of our lives have the faded stains of a world where oppression was the accepted way of life. So no, I will not just get over it. How about I punch you in the eye, and you get over it? Then again that's me being Black again because Black people love to fight. Never mind the fact that white people will move into someone's country, populate it with their own, then find a reason to fight for their right to govern the land; ahem, Hawaii, Texas and the west coast, hell the whole fucking country.

Do not confuse my words, I have no ill feelings towards my current status in life. Well aside from the lack of "professional" development, I guess. The statement is that social injustice and racism is not an issue for Blacks to solve. We didn't start it so how in the hell are we to end it? It is understood that their are those who are driven to hate others for many reasons. Nowhere is it the responsibility of the hated to resolve the antagonist's motivations.

Then again, if women stopped walking around dressing and acting like women, misogynistic rapist would stop finding it a thrill to shove his dick in a woman that he's overpowered just so he can feel on top of the world. It's all her fault right?


A Black man

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