Thursday, January 23, 2014

End Conservative Mississippi

So, I'm driving to work listening to a podcast as I am one to do when the men of the 3 Guys On Podcast began discussing some lawmaker that made some rather amusing remarks about hip hop, torture, and religion. I laugh my way through the commentary as the crew breaks down the points and rhetoric spewing from the mouth of this punch drunk conservative jerk. I had to back up the discussion so that I could catch the name of the culprit, and lo and behold, there was his name. My target was none other than Mississippi State Senator Christopher "I Do This Shit for Jesus" McDaniel.

McDaniel feels that the new influx of hip hop in Canada is reason for the rise in gun violence there. In his unwarranted opinion, the morally bankrupt culture of hip hop is cause for devChiant behavior and ridding ourselves of this menace would do all of us much a much needed favor. Torture is also a favored method of interrogation that leads to valuable information according to the Mr. C. McD. He also dropped his pipe bomb on religion in school and poverty's relationship to crime.

My people of Mississippi, I need for you to get out and make moves to get these ignorant muthafuckers out of office. This Tea Party rep is vying for a spot in the US Senate currently. Are we going to let this shit happen? I hope not. This conservative, religious fed agenda has ruled the state of Mississippi for years and all it has led to is a state of poor, unhealthy, and uneducated people. Don't let your pride in your birth state blind you from this truth. The wealthy minority is exploiting us all in the name of that pride.

I see people like Chris McDaniel and can't help but think that they enjoyed what they deemed the fringe of life during their youth. Now that it is beneficial to them, they can shun that very fringe. McDaniel is 41 which means he was enduring his collegiate years during the rise of NWA, West Coast Rap, Miami Bass, and the conscious rap movement of the East Coast. From my life experience, it is hard for me to believe that he wasn't caught in that wave. Because contrary to what he wants us to believe, mainstream America drove these hip hop advances not middle to low income Blacks or these niggas they paint us to be. Our dollar is strong, but not that strong. Although he did say it's not about race, that's just a pump fake to get the ball to the hole.
2 Chainz hip hoppin ass did a show for Mississippi State students. Look at those white faces in the crowd

Side note: Hip hop is such an obvious predecessor to gun violence, but where was it when Dr. King, Medgar Evers, JFK, hell even Abraham Lincoln were gunned down. Man has sought to solve problems by gun since the creation of the tool. Didn't Smith & Wesson win the West? Or was that Kool Moe Dee?

I could go on for all day but the tale of the tape goes:

  • Name: Christopher McDaniel
  • Born: June 1972
  • Hometown: Laurel, MS
  • Education: Jones JC, William Carey, U of Mississippi School of Law
My unwarranted opinion is McDaniel is one of those salty ass residents of the many Mississippi towns that now have an overwhelming presence of Blacks. They feel that us Blacks are devaluing the land that they once cherished as pillars in white Mississippi. To that I say, fuck you and your pillar.

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