Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random Thought from March 5, 2009

The entertainment scene brings a twist to reality that some people cannot resist. In the world of entertainment, beauty, physical beauty that is, has a high value It gets things done and can sometimes be more valuable than money or values. Hell, values done even exist in most forms of entertainment.

In contrast, reality places a high value on morals. Some try to put money first, but we know that money with no values leads to no money. Beauty, physical, has little control in reality. With all of this said, reality television is a big oxy moron if you haven't all ready figured that out.

To fully understand, I have to go back to a comment that I've heard often in my days as a young man: "I don't have to pay to get in parties." Which is usually true when one is young, highly attractive, and "outgoing". I smirk when I hear it now. As I near the third decade of my life I think back to all those that I knew that could say the same. For example, when I was in the sixth grade, there was this girl (don't remember her name) that most of us boys would stab each other in the back just to have her as a lunch companion. I saw her about 2 years ago, not so much anymore. I even remember calling some one to say how it was a damn shame how she looks now. I even think of the girls that I had a crazy crush for (not women the likes of Janet) and how they have changed. I've seen more beauty.

This doesn't apply to women only. Think of the big man around town about 10 to 15 years ago. He's probably really the "big" man around his town today. Some that know me may say I'm bitter because I didn't get that attention or agree; I'll let them choose. There were guys that had the female population of a particular area at each others throat for one reason or another. He WAS the catch of the day.

The fact is that being a teenage heart throb only gets one through teen years. What about adulthood? All of this is life continuing to imitate art. This continues into adult life, I am a victim also, for now money can buy beauty. Think of beauty as a desired performance standard that entertainment has inflated. Money can buy the "steroid" to generate beauty (this is why I don't fault any athlete for steriod use but not excusing them). This could be anything from pricey fitness instructors to fancy clothes. Consider entertainment "juiced" at this point. Now every player is out to top the others in the quest for the desired performance standard. This can be applied to any form of entertainment: clubs, television, music, the list goes on.

Reality TV is a new fad. One where a person or persons can show the world who they are or most cases, want to be. I indulge but with caution for there is a reality that Reality TV can never catch. When the lights are off, who knows what that G, Bachelor, or who ever is doing. There are no censors in life where entertainment can toe a line but never cross it (true rape can never be glorified for the sake of ratings). Not only that, off-the-record actions lead to on-the-record consequences.

My reality is filled with choices. Not choices that lead to a sum of money or "love" but towards a growing relationship with God, myself, and my family. I've taken some mis-steps and fallen of course more than a little bit. I can say that I cannot fully blame anyone for any of my wrong doings as I made the ultimate decision, but I can credit a line of people for my successes. They each paved the way or lit the path that I have followed. My challenge is to keep the path lit for those coming after me so that we may all meet near the same destination, perfection. Perfection will not be achieved; in the meantime, I can enjoy some entertainment as I seek it.

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