Friday, May 11, 2012

Trouble With Respect

This entry dates back to Summer 2004. This is the refurbished copy...

When I discovered that I was getting deployed to Iraq, I had to deal with my issues on a larger level. The main one was the fact that I had to deal with more people on a daily basis. At that time, I kept about two to four people in my circle. The new arrangement would put me in close contact with forty or more people, all coming with their own issues.

Time and time again, the focus of nearly every person around me was to be respected as Marines trained to expect. "Respect me," was the command and disobedience led to disputes often, but why should I? Because that man has been through more than me? Or because he has more perceived authority? Maybe he had something that I needed to do my job. Even if "yes" was the answer to any of the questions, it wasn't enough for me to break out a seven letter word which just happens to have a catchy song.

My issue with giving people respect is that it can lead a fool to have foolish pride. That prided is driven by needless desires. This respect is wanted for whatever reason, but I never did see what it provided. I still don't. Sometimes insecurities from past experience provided the grounds for seeking respect from others.

From that point on I went into a rant in which I don't necessarily agree with anymore...

Fast Forward 2012

I'm still withholding the act of giving respect to anyone. My profession has given me several individuals that I view as clowns strutting with their chest poked out from all the stroking from people I consider weak willed. Yes these people will probably remain in the front of the privilege line. Our paths can never cross because it is not in my best interest to let them know my true view of them.  Truth, although cliche, continues to be that respect is earned not given. Flaunting your "knowledge" when speaking obvious facts leads to questions regarding the legitimacy of your position in life. How many asses have you kissed? How many dicks have you sucked to get where you are? 

Look here, no one respects you they just fear you for some unknown reason. So talk tough to those that can't take it because this one here will not be phased. Matter of fact, it is not my nature to even consider the thoughts of anyone that is deemed unworthy of talking. I will acknowledge that I here your suggestions, words, & advice; I will continue to operate as I deem necessary to achieve the goals I set. 

Fuck you, pay me.

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